Mars Ephemeris Calculator
Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model
PHP Program By Jay Tanner
Date: (1600 to 2200) Y m d
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Mars Ephemeris Statistics Referred to True Ecliptic and Equinox of Date Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model Local Date = 2025 Feb 09 - Sun Local Time = 15:09:29 Standard Time Std. Time Zone Offset = 00:00:00 Applied Delta T = +00:00:00 Astronomical JD TT = 2460716.13158565 =========================================================================== Geocentric Equatorial Coordinates of Mars Right Ascension = 07h 24m 58.57s = 7.4162701h = 111.2440515° Declination = +26° 13' 52.37" = +26.231215° True Distance = 0.726690952 AU = 108.711419 Mkm = 67.550144 Mmi Visual Magnitude = -0.8 Angular Diameter = 9.247" Horizontal Parallax = 12.102" = 0.201694' = 0.003361566° Light/Signal Time = 06m 02.62s =========================================================================== Local Topocentric Coordinates of Mars For Geographic Location: Longitude = -76.833611111° = -05h 07m 20.1s (W=Negative) Latitude = +42.752194444° Elevation = 0 m Topocentric RA = 07h 24m 58.56s = 7.4162677h = 111.2440157° Topocentric Decl = +26° 13' 41.11" = +26.228086° Local Hour Angle = +11h 57m 01.44s = 179.2559949219° (W=Negative) Local Sidereal Time = 19h 22m 00.003s = 19.366667376h = 290.500010635° Azimuth = 179.28504° (Measured clockwise from S=0°) = 359.28504° (Measured clockwise from N=0°) Direction = N Altitude = -21.01631° (Invisible - Below Local Horizon) =========================================================================== Mars Ephemeris Table For Each Day Of Feb. 2025 at 12:00 TT There are three extra (xx) padding days at each end of the table. JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day 2460705 7.5796751 +25.997127 0.673940514 -1.1 xx 2460706 7.5563631 +26.036055 0.677730237 -1.1 xx 2460707 7.5337913 +26.071247 0.681719391 -1.1 xx 2460708 7.5119962 +26.102750 0.685904324 -1.1 1 2460709 7.4910114 +26.130618 0.690281160 -1.0 2 2460710 7.4708671 +26.154922 0.694845846 -1.0 3 2460711 7.4515899 +26.175739 0.699594202 -1.0 4 2460712 7.4332027 +26.193158 0.704521973 -0.9 5 2460713 7.4157248 +26.207273 0.709624875 -0.9 6 2460714 7.3991718 +26.218184 0.714898633 -0.9 7 2460715 7.3835566 +26.225992 0.720339009 -0.9 8 2460716 7.3688890 +26.230800 0.725941826 -0.8 9 2460717 7.3551767 +26.232708 0.731702976 -0.8 10 2460718 7.3424254 +26.231816 0.737618431 -0.8 11 2460719 7.3306391 +26.228219 0.743684236 -0.8 12 2460720 7.3198204 +26.222013 0.749896509 -0.7 13 2460721 7.3099704 +26.213288 0.756251427 -0.7 14 2460722 7.3010890 +26.202137 0.762745216 -0.7 15 2460723 7.2931749 +26.188644 0.769374145 -0.6 16 2460724 7.2862254 +26.172894 0.776134517 -0.6 17 2460725 7.2802367 +26.154968 0.783022662 -0.6 18 2460726 7.2752038 +26.134944 0.790034942 -0.6 19 2460727 7.2711207 +26.112895 0.797167738 -0.5 20 2460728 7.2679802 +26.088891 0.804417463 -0.5 21 2460729 7.2657743 +26.062995 0.811780545 -0.5 22 2460730 7.2644941 +26.035269 0.819253431 -0.4 23 2460731 7.2641298 +26.005768 0.826832570 -0.4 24 2460732 7.2646712 +25.974541 0.834514403 -0.4 25 2460733 7.2661072 +25.941632 0.842295343 -0.4 26 2460734 7.2684263 +25.907077 0.850171760 -0.3 27 2460735 7.2716168 +25.870911 0.858139978 -0.3 28 2460736 7.2756664 +25.833162 0.866196281 -0.3 xx 2460737 7.2805620 +25.793860 0.874336944 -0.3 xx 2460738 7.2862899 +25.753032 0.882558269 -0.2 xx JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day ===========================================================================