=====About This PHP Science Labs Wiki Site===== **There is NOT any spam, malware, adware or ads on this Wiki site.** \\ **This site began as a private extension and repository site to test and store some science, math and astronomy programs I wrote in PHP before releasing them on the Internet.   Since quite a few people expressed an interest in some of the programs over the past 22 years at my NeoProgrammics site, I decided to collect much of that work at a single location to more easily organize and share it with others of similar scientific and programming interests, especially students of the subjects.** \\ \\ **The links point to programs in a public domain PHP software and source code collection on this web site.\\ Some of the programs are old, dating back their origins in PHP 5 and updated to maintain upward compatibility.** \\ **FOCUS**:  Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, General Science, Math and Science Programming in PHP (With a tiny bit of Java Script). **Jay Tanner** - **Site Admin** \\ Kontakt:\\ **Jay-T  ât  PHPScienceLabs • com** \\ ----- **[[programs-index|PROGRAMS  INDEX]]** - **A General Listing of Currently Available Programs** \\ **[[phpsl-source-code|Download PHP Science Labs Source Code]]** - PHP Source Code For Most of the Programs Found Here - Public Domain. **[[php-functions-and-source-code-index|Some Useful PHP Functions Source Code For Astronomy and Science]]** - In Progress ... ----- ====SPECIAL PROJECTS==== **[[Lunar Hemispheric Phase Explorers-HD Edition For Large Monitors|]]**\\ A virtual space telescope for larger monitors to view the entire moon at any relative phase from above four hemispheres (Near, Far, East and West hemispheres) in HD detail. \\ **[[LUNEX-For-POV-Ray|LUNEX For POV-Ray]]**\\ A freeware lunar surface rendering program script for use with the free, open-source POV-Ray ray-tracing sofware. LUNEX is the program that rendered all of the lunar phase images used in the //Lunar Hemispheric Phase Explorers - HD Edition// program mentioned above. **This program computes the dynamical latitude coordinates of the Arctic and Antarctic// circles over the 10,000 year span from 3000 BC to 7000 AD.**\\ **[[https://www.phpsciencelabs.com/obliquity-of-the-ecliptic-calculator/|Obliquity of the Ecliptic and Latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic Circles Calculator]]**\\ \\ **The VSOP87 Semi-Analytical Theory of Planetary Motion**\\ **[[https://www.phpsciencelabs.com/vsop87-about-the-vsop87-theory/|About the VSOP87 Theory]]**\\ **[[https://www.phpsciencelabs.com/vsop87-equations-summary-part-1/|VSOP87 - Equations Summary - Part 1 - Heliocentric Rectangular (X,Y,Z) Coordinates]]**\\ **[[https://www.phpsciencelabs.com/vsop87-equations-summary-part-2/|VSOP87 - Equations Summary - Part 2 - Heliocentric Spherical (L,B,R) Coordinates]]**\\ **[[https://www.phpsciencelabs.com/vsop87-source-code-generator-tool/|Multi-Language VSOP87 Source Code Generator Tool]]**\\ \\